Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Shattered Glass 5-30-17

Read article on Steven Glass:  http://www.forbes.com/2003/05/20/cx_mn_0520glasslander.html

Read Hack Heaven story:  http://www.ep.tc/realist/140/11.html

Watch 60 minutes interview with Steven Glass:  https://vimeo.com/30824692

You are going to write 2-3 pages (double spaced) on any of the following prompts:

1. What is the significance of the audience being told the median age of the reporters working for The New Republic?  Is there something being said about younger generations?

2. What does this movie say about society’s expectations from journalists? 

3. What does this movie say about loyalty?  Loyalty between peers and between people who have left the peer group like the protagonist did? Loyalty between employee and supervisor?  How valid is Glass’ claim that the editor should do everything he can to back up his reporter?  What does this belief say about Glass?  Do you think it’s a prevalent opinion?

4. What do you make of the Forbes’ editor asserting that the magazine “must” run the story about Glass? 

5. If everything and everybody in Glass’ stories were made up, was what Glass did such a bad thing?  Who did it hurt?

6. Can you think of similar instances of either academic dishonesty or plagiarism in the past few years?  Do you know what Jayson Blair did?  What James Frey did?  Who Hwang Woo-suk is?

7. What penalties did Glass face? Do you think they were adequate?

8. The writer/director of the movie said the Charles Lane character emerges as the hero of the movie. What heroic qualities does he exhibit? What heroic actions does he perform? And by the same token, to what extent could one describe the Stephen Glass character as the villain of the story?  

9.  Watch the “60 Minutes” interview with Stephen Glass. Do you believe Glass in the interview? Why or why not?  https://vimeo.com/30824692

10.  Did you like the movie?  Why or why not?  How does this movie relate to what you learned about law and ethics in this class?

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Bob Dotson Unit 4/25 - 5/4

Tues, 4/25 (Dotson 9-19) - Topics/Angles - “Lives Lost”

Wed, 4/26 (Dotson 20-27) -Collect Information - “Cave Rescue”

Thur, 4/27 (Dotson 28-39) - Interviewing - “Ruby Bridges”

Fri, 4/28 (Dotson 43-52)- Segues - “Pearl Harbor”

Mon, 5/1 (Dotson 53-61) - Writing Tips -   “Atlanta Bombing”

Tues, 5/2 (Dotson 62-70) - Standups -  “Boys of Winter”

Wed, 5/3 (Dotson 75-87) - Beginnings and Endings - “San Francisco Earthquake” & “Susan Smith Trial”

Thur, 5/4 (Dotson 87-101) - B-Roll  - “Top Cop”

Monday, April 10, 2017

4/10/17 The Truman Show

We will be critically viewing the movie The Truman Show.  You will write a paper on the movie.

The Truman information is available here.

Monday, February 13, 2017

2/13/17 Writing a Story

For reading time today, visit:  www.startribune.com

10 Steps to Writing a Story – Broadcast Journalism

1. Find a ____________.
2. Find an ___________.
3. Collect ________________.
4. Conduct the ________________.
5. Shoot your reporter _______________ _________.
6. Organize your _______________.
7. Write ______________ in your story.
8. Write the ________________ and __________________ of your story.
9. Write the anchor ______________ and ________________ (if necessary).
10. Collect ___________ to add to your story (throughout steps 4-9)

*Steps 4-8 in your story are called the ____________________.

Friday, February 10, 2017

2/10/17 - New Quiz and Boyd Huppert

Today we will take a quiz on our broadcast journalism notes.

When we are done, we will watch Boyd Huppert stories at:  http://www.kare11.com/local/land-of-10000-stories

Post comments to this blog below answering these questions:

1.  What was the story about?

2.  What criteria(s) of newsworthiness does it use?

3.  How many people were interviewed?  How many times do they appear on camera?

4.  What type of footage was used?

5.  Do you ever see Boyd Huppert on camera?  How many times?

6.  How often does Boyd Huppert talk during the story?

Thursday, February 9, 2017

2/9/17 What is Broadcast Journalism?

For reading time today, visit: http://www.cnn.com/

Define “Broadcast Journalism” in 1-3 sentences.

List and describe the six criteria of newsworthiness.







What are the differences between print journalism and broadcast journalism?



How is the Internet impacting broadcast journalism?

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

2/7/17 Camera Scavenger Hunt

Camera Scavenger Hunt:

Take turns working on the following shots:

1. Use a zoom in and a zoom out to make a creative shot.
2. Use a tilt up and a tilt down to make a creative shot.
3. Use a pan left or a pan right to make a creative shot.
4. Use focus to make a creative shot.
5. Shoot something upside down or sideways.
6. Make a smooth dolly in a creative way.
7. Walk while shooting and make it as smooth as possible.
8. Make a silhouette shot in front of a light source.
9. Experiment with the microphone on the front of the camera. How far can it pick up sound?
10. Hold a shot for at least ten seconds and keep it as still as possible.
11. Perform several interviews: Make sure everyone knows how to set up for an interview. What seven items must you bring to an interview? How far away should the person be? What should the background look like? What do you need to know about lighting and shooting into a light source? What is the first thing the camera operator must do to set up their shot? Where should the reporter stand? How far away should the microphone be? What should you consider as you are getting sound bytes?

Final Assignment: Compose the following scene based on this scenario:
“Just one more step and it would have all been different”

You need to figure out where to shoot this scene. In addition, what need to be acted? What needs to be said on camera? How should the shots be put together to tell a story? What is the message you are trying to convey?

Monday, February 6, 2017

2/6/17 Camera Notes

For reading time today: Steve Hartman/Les Rose Stories: http://www.cbsnews.com/evening-news/on-the-road/

Notetaking on Camera Techniques

• What seven items should you bring with you when you are shooting an interview?
(Clocks Tick Tock Making Heads Pound Loudly)

• Shooting into a light source =

Button to adjust =

• Where do you want your light source?

• On what object should you focus the camera?

• No tripod=

• Date and Time=


• Camera shoots in ________________.

• Pre-Roll-

• Post-Roll-



• 1 Shot=

• 1 Shot with graphic=

• 2 Shot=

• CU-

• MS-

• LS-

• ECU-

• Rule of thirds-

• Tilt-

• Pan-

• Zoom-

• Dolly-

• Key-

• Fill-

• Back-

• Unidirectional-

• Omnidirectional

• Cardiod

• Lav/Lapel Microphone

• Boom Microphone

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

1/25/17 - Wag the Dog

Please write a few sentences about your experience in this class this semester.  What went well?  What would you change to make it better?

You will write 1-2 pages on any the following prompts:

1.  What does the title mean?  Who is the dog and who is the tail?
2.  "Change the story, change the lead" is Conrad Brean’s (Mr. Fix-It)  motto for how to handle the media in the midst of the sex scandal that threatens to undermine the president’s re-election campaign. What does the motto mean?

3.  What did Brean mean when he told the CIA agent that he needed a war "to preserve [his] way of life"?
4.  Explain the significance of the lines in the movie "Of course there's a war; I'm seeing it on TV" and "We remember the slogans, but we don't remember the war" in terms of the media's effectiveness.

5.  What does a movie producer do?  What was the movie producer's role in this movie?  What happens to him at the end of the movie and why?

6.  Is this movie realistic?  Could something like this happen in our world today?

7. Wag the Dog employs satire and irony to deliver its message.  What are some examples used in the movie?  How effective are they?

8.  Motss (The Producer) says of his "pageant", "It’s a complete fraud and it looks one hundred percent real.” Why did the American people accept the version of reality that Brean and Motss created?

9.  "The President is a product." To what extent does the film show this to be true about political leaders and people in public life?  How are political commercials used in this film?  Compare this movie to what's currently going on in politics.

10.  Did you like the movie? Why or why not?